So what if I copied this from the e-mail I sent out to just about everyone that reads this blog? I don't have time! I'm busy being in ridiculous online contests!
Hello all.
I've entered myself in this contest. It's kind of silly, but hey, if you win, you get a trip to Vegas. So... why not right?
Anyway, it's called Every Man Jack. It's some sort of male grooming products, like hair gel and aftershave and all that business. What, you've never heard of them? Well, me neither. But I stumbled across this contest and I figured I'd give it a shot.
You can vote for me to win on their website from now (July 21) to August 4th. Apparently you can vote once a day or something like that. Basically, it would be AWESOME if you could vote for me as often as possible between those dates. And if you could share this with people, that would be AWESOME as well. Because it costs you nothing, and it costs me nothing, and we can all bond together to screw over "the man" (or this company, either way).
Here's the link:
And if you get lost on the site, just go to, click on gallery, search "Evan" and vote for me, not that crazy person next to me.
Thank you all greatly.
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